
Foul smelling, monstrously sized and viciously tempermental, Trolls are documented "Man-Eaters"...Usually standing somewhere between seven to nine feet tall, Trolls are a hard foe to vanquish, even for seasoned warriors...Having an almost unbelievably fast healing factor, and the ability to literally regenerate lost appendages, Trolls have been seen in the wild to physically rend each other limb from limb, for what would appear FUN!...I suppose this wouldn't be out of the question, where a regenerative species such as Trolls are concerned, but I must admit I find the whole idea a tad appalling... Trolls are believed to be distant cousins of Goblyns...I use the terminology "believed" for good reason...Trolls are only known to have a few sure ways of meeting their demise...One of which is Acid...Different forms of Acid are known to react differently with Troll physiology, but almost all forms have some ill effect on them, many actually melting through Troll flesh as easily as a spoon through my grandmother's (rest her blessed soul) root pudding...Another method of disposing of Trolls is fire in some form...Whether it be magic fire or just a blazing one kept before the camp site, fire is a sure fire way to rid Yourself of these beasts...Trolls are not known for their intelligence...In fact, many biologists (and rest assured, probably many adventurers whom have came in contact with them) believe Trolls to be mindless beasts, seeking only food and more food...They have seemingly bottomless stomachs and the shrew-like need to look to fill them...Troll mating is a wonder to behold...There are no "true" males nor females in the Troll species...Instead the entire species is Hemephrodidic, each memeber being BOTH male and female...When the time comes to bare offspring, Trolls willingly go looking for creatures larger than themselves, and instigate an attatck upon their persons...This usally ends with the Troll being ripped to shreds by whatever it provoked, yet in the "parent's" death it leaves a multitude of Troll offspring as each large piece of the now dead "parent" becomes a completely new Troll unto itself...This, as You imagine, can be quite bad for unexperienced adventurers who come upon their first Troll and give it a good "slice and dice"...