LEGIO XX--The Twentieth Legion


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       After the calendar listing you will find descriptions of our annual events.


April 18, 2015, Saturday only--Rome's Birthday, at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology in Philadelphia, PA.  10 AM to 5 PM.  The Legion will be attending along with representatives of several other groups.  Asellina's Caupona will be there, as will Romulus himself.  Participants get free admission to the museum.  We will be outside in the Warden Garden (the main museum entrance area), unless there is bad weather in which case we will be inside.  For address and other information, check the Museum's website, http://www.penn.museum/  or contact the Commander.

April 19, Sunday only--Greek Independence Day Parade in Baltimore, MD.  NOT A LEGION EVENT, in fact it's only really for Greeks and Greeky types.  But basic Roman clothing and footwear will pass if you'd like to show up in historical clothing, and the Commander has quite a bit of extra clothing and equipment if you want to borrow some.  Hoplites, Thracians, Macedonians, gods and goddesses, etc.  The contingent meets at the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church on Ponca Street starting around noon, then forms up on Eastern Ave. about 1 PM, and the parade starts at 2.  The host group for the reenactors is the Hellenic Warriors, http://300spartanwarriors.com/   But contact the Commander if you're interested.


Marching Through Time, Marietta Mansion, usually the third weekend in April.  THE LEGION WILL NOT BE ATTENDING THIS YEAR, but it's still worth seeing.  April 18-19.  A multi-period living history encampment, with reenactors from ancient times through the Gulf War.  Mock battles and tactical demonstrations are performed all day long, and the public is invited to visit the camps and examine the participants and their accoutrements "up close and personal".  Open 11 AM to 5 PM, admission is $5 per person, children free (I think!).   Marietta Mansion is located at 5626 Bell Station Rd., Glenn Dale, MD 20769.  301-464-5291.   From I-95/495, the Capital Beltway, take Exit 20 onto Rt. 450 East, go 4 miles, turn left on Rt. 193, then left onto Bell Station Rd. and left again into Marietta.  Only handicapped parking is permitted on site (due to lack of space); all other visitors should follow the signs to the Recreation Center parking lot and then catch the shuttle vans back to the site.  http://www.pghistory.org/MariettaMansion.html 

--Participants should arrive around 9 AM.  If the ground is not too muddy you may unload your car at the camp site on Saturday morning, but all cars must be out of the camp area by 10 AM, and NO cars will be permitted back into the camp area until after 5 PM on Sunday.

Roman Days
.    This is the Twentieth Legion's own attempt to get as many Romans together in one place as possible.  There are tactical drill demonstrations, educational displays (writing, architecture, etc.), and more.  Children's activities include making mosaics and learning how to march like a soldier.  Celts, Greeks, and other ancient types are also welcome.  Click here for more information, and also http://romandays.wikispaces.com/  

*Home*Schedule*Handbook *Auxiliaries *Civilian Clothing *Cold-Weather Clothing *Signum*LINKS*SUPPLIERS*Bibliography *
*ADLOCVTIO*Tent and Camp *Roman Days*History*Names *Advice on Starting a Group *PHOTOGRAPHS*Bylaws *Membership*
*Home*Handbook Intro*Tunic*Caligae*Cloak*Belt*Helmets*Segmentata*Hamata*Squamata*Subarmalis*Scutum*Gladius*
*Pilum*Pugio*Packs*Mess Gear*Tools*Crests*Drill*Leatherworking*Armoring*